Why Gujarat

Gujarat is quickly becoming a favourable destination for its unique geographic location and vast availabilities of transportation and Power requirements, many bigger business are moving their hub into great emerging market. As Ahmedabad is the Economic Destination to Gujarat, it becomes quite evident that having business location in and around Ahmedabad is a proven business strategy.

For well over a century, the people of Gujarat have travelled the world and to remote corners of india to explore their insatiable spirit of enterprise. Once there, they would embed themselves and create distinct sub-cultures identifying their vibrant way of life. And at the turn of millennium, the spiriut of Gujarat re-engineers itself to lendfresh impetus to create new and exciting pathways of progress and development. In the cusp of tradition and culture, the state has embarked on transformational journeys in driving trade, commerce, globalization and governance.

As India gains in strength through its numbers, as well as qualified aspirations, Gujarat looks to create an advanced urban infrastructure, a liberal tax ecosystem, minimum regulation and maximum governance, which will in turn pre-empt the nation's own aspirations.

GUJARAT - AN ENTREPRENEUR'S DREAM GUJARAT - Quick Facts A land of opportunities